Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Trisha Ann

Trisha Ann Shuck is now 14 mon. old. Wow, where did the time go? She started crawling at 7 mon., walking at 9 mon. and now she acts like a teen:) Oh, God help us raise her to be a strong confident Godly woman. Bringing a child into this world is a scary and exciting thing. Maybe soon there will be another:) but for now we will work on raising this one! Everyday Trisha runs around leaving her toys everywhere she goes and it always seems like we are searching for something that she got her hands on (just ask Jeff)! But she always makes me smile, when ever she hears music she is always dancing, its the cutest thing I have ever seen, I think it started when she was just born and we would take her to Church, in Oak Harbor, WA, on wed. nights and she would actually sleep through the singing no matter how loud it was:). We miss wed. nights in Oak Harbor. She discovered the toilet a few of months ago and decided to stick a couple of items in there while she played, yup I was pretty much grossed out, but she seemed to like it. I always have to keep my eyes on that girl. Now she likes to give what we call the mean look, she frowns and puts her chin down and gives you a look... its not nice, it surprises you at first, because you can't imagine a look like that coming out of a 1 year old little girl, then you can't help but laugh.

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